Moniwar is honored to be the Media Partner of the Blockchain Expo HCM 2022 event hosted by MetaHub. The program is within the framework of the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Korea, and will be taking place from July 22 to 23, 2022 at Vinpearl Luxury Landmark 81. The event will be […]
Tag Archives: blockchain expo
Moniwar rất vinh hạnh được làm Đối tác truyền thông của sự kiện Blockchain Expo HCM 2022 do MetaHub thực hiện. Chương trình nằm trong khuôn khổ của buổi Lễ kỷ niệm 30 năm quan hệ ngoại giao Việt – Hàn diễn ra từ ngày 22 – 23/07/2022 tại Vinpearl Luxury Landmark 81. Sự kiện […]
Blockchain In Viet Nam Blockchain technology is a field that has integrated into Vietnam in recent years and it has received a lot of attention from businesses, engineers and researchers. It is currently the keyword that people are most interested in with the increasing in demands to learn about it Introduction Probably everyone will need […]