In accordance with the laws of the Republic Socialist of Vietnam and in order to best support you in matters related to your account and services, when creating an account, you need to provide truthful and accurate information according to theaccount registration form for MONIWAR.
In the event of an account verification request from MONIWAR, you must present full proof of being the account holder.
In order to ensure your legitimate rights and interests, you need to provide your correct identification information to MONIWAR; In case the information you provide is incomplete and/or inaccurate, MONIWAR has the right to refuse to receive and resolve any of your complaints and/or refuse to provide you with services, including where you have paid MONIWAR in advance; In this case, the service fee paid in advance will not be refunded.
MONIWAR is bound by contract not to sell, rent or share your information with any party; except for cases where information is required to be provided in accordance with the law, at the request of the Court and/or a responsible State agency.
MONIWAR will apply necessary technical, security and confidentiality measures in accordance with the law and in accordance with MONIWAR's statements and quality commitments to keep your personal information secure. However, the risks related to the provision and security of personal data, whether provided in person, by phone or over the internet or through technical means will always be potential and THERE IS NO TECHNICAL SYSTEM OF SECURITY NOR SECURITY MEASURES THAT IS ABSOLUTELY SAFE or can resist all “hackers”, “tampers” (those who illegally enter to rummage); therefore, in the event that Your personal information is exposed due to hacking or other causes beyond MONIWAR's control, You hereby agree to release MONIWAR from all related liability.